Gray - New Gloucester Adult Education
Maine Adult Education Program
with Michelle Spencer
Next session: March 10th to April 14th, 2025
Reaching balanced wellness by working on strengthening and stretching the muscles, preventing falls, improving cardiovascular and bone density health. This class is progressive and increases your overall well-being throughout the 6 week session. Standing and floor work! This dynamic, full-bodied exercise program supports muscle growth and increases stamina! Prepare to be getting on and off the floor during the mat portion. If you have been working on your fitness and want to challenge yourself, "Senior Fitness" will guide you safely and effectively.
* No class 2/17 & 5/26 *
Zumba is a dance fitness class rooted in Latin Rhythms. A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Bring a water bottle, sneakers and your sense of humor! We will shake it out, sweat and laugh a lot! Please reach out with questions!
** No class 2/19 and 4/23 **
with Bill Allen Katelyn Perry
Next session: May 24th, 2025
Join the Registered Maine Guides at Sebago Trails Paddling Co. for an on the water adventure at Sebago Trails Paddling Co, in Raymond. This two hour course will begin with a safety briefing and lesson covering the fundamentals of recreational kayaking. Using the EZ launching system at Sebago Trails Paddling, the tour will explore the water-carved bends and twists of a meandering stream unveiling local wildlife in a rustic backdrop. Then continue onto Jordan Bay of Sebago Lake as the guides share stories dating back to the settlements of the Sebago Lake region. Come for the beautiful lake views and leave with your new favorite hobby! This is a great experience for anyone looking to get outdoors. Perfect for first time kayakers and experienced kayaking enthusiasts.
Sebago Trails Paddling will provide: Kayak, Paddle, Lifejacket
with Michelle Spencer
Next session: March 10th to April 14th, 2025
This class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility and fall prevention. All exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis and other health concerns if they are cleared by their primary care provider.
* No class 2/17 & 5/26 *
with Theresa Labrecque
Next session: April 7th to May 14th, 2025
This class blends the flexibility, balance and flow of yoga with the core conditioning and full body strengthening of Pilates.
We will have progressions throughout the program to give each participants options which best suits his/her own ability.
Participants will need a yoga mat and water, yoga blocks are recommended.
** No class 1/20, 3/10, 3/12, 4/21 & 4/23 **