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First on the Scene

with Peter Holmquist


Next session: May 7th, 2025

Price not available More Info

It takes EMS an average of 7 minutes to respond to an emergency. The general public are usually the first ones on scene and this class will teach you skills to help an injured person until first responders arrive. We will cover Hands-only CPR and AED, administering nalozone, using an EPI pen, bleeding control and moving patients. These skills will give you the knowledge and confidence to help someone in an emergency when you are the First on the Scene.

This is a one night class.

FREE but pre-registration required

Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Over exposed image? No problem—adjust the exposure in editing mode. Wishyour photo could be black and white instead of color? Choose a filter andchange the ambiance of your image. Does the main object of your picture seemlost among extraneous details? Use the cropping feature to focus your viewer’s

eye on the most important part of the image. These examples are just a few ofthe many ways you can turn an average image into something special. Have funediting your pictures with the many options in your Mac’s Photos app.

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Everyone has a story to tell. Writing your memoir helps you reflect on the varied experiences that impacted your life and helped shape who you are today. This course looks at a variety of digital tools, available through any digital device, that make the process of memoir writing more fun and a little less daunting. You will explore several unique approaches to research, learn strategies for gathering and storing materials in one easily accessible place, and delve into ways to illustrate your memoir even if you are not an artist. Polishing your work for publication and presenting it in a public format are other video topics. You will leave the course well equipped to begin your writing adventure.

Class has begun
Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Felt Flower Wall Art

with Gabrielle Lovi


Next session: March 26th, 2025

Learn how to create seasonal felt flowers. You will make several flowers and finish them on a farmhouse-style wood board which you will then add a message on the wood out of vinyl. 

Materials Fee payable to the instructor: $20 Cash Only - no checks

Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

You Too Can Paint!

with Tom Nash


Next session: March 11th, 2025

New or “seasoned” artists will complete an original painting of the Northern Lights during this session. All supplies will be provided. Just bring a smile, a desire to have fun, be creative and a positive belief that “You too can paint”! No experience is necessary.

Materials Fee payable to the instructor: $5 Cash Only - no checks


Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education


with Erin Hamlin


Next session: April 9th to May 14th, 2025

Zumba is a dance fitness class rooted in Latin Rhythms. A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Bring a water bottle, sneakers and your sense of humor! We will shake it out, sweat and laugh a lot! Please reach out with questions! 

** No class 2/19 and 4/23 **