Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/4062/4649960299_1fb250842b_b.jpg

A versatile device, your iPad allows you tocommunicate in a variety of modes; record youradventures with both still photos and video; tap intoyour creativity through photography, drawing andediting tools; and keep abreast of local, national, andinternational events and issues.

Eleven videos introduce you to various features ofyour iPad. Each video demonstrates how to accessthe basic processes of each feature or app.Once you feel confident navigating and operatingyour iPad’s multitude of features, you will never bebored or at loose ends. iPads offer a myriad of waysto access friends, family, and the wider world. Have a great time!

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Pumped Up Strength

with Jenna Chase


Next session: March 14th to April 18th, 2025

Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression, its superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music. The result? A sweat-drenched, functionally efficient workout that will challenge your body in new ways, improve lean muscle mass, and rev your metabolism.

In this class you will want a set of hand weights anywhere from 5lbs - 15lbs.

This class is offered virtually through Zoom.

** No class 2/21 **

Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Indoor Walking Group

with GNG Adult Education

Banish boredom and boost motivation. Because walking is possible for most people and doesn’t require special skills or equipment, it has become the most popular form of activity in the US. Walking with others is a great way to socialize and get healthier, but also hold you accountable, is safer and motivating.

Join us for an orientation night on Monday, January 13th at 6:00pm in the GNG Adult Education office at GNG High School.

We will show you the route, you’ll be set free to walk at your pace. We highly recommend you bring a buddy to keep you motivated to continue!

Mondays & Wednesdays, 1/13 - 4/16 (no class 1/20, 2/17 & 2/19)

Class has begun
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/6ed4c353e72011eaa7750a0ce87056c5

The Maine Death with Dignity Act

with Valerie Lovelace


Next session: April 15th, 2025

Price not available More Info

There is still a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about Maine's expanded end-of-life care option. Many providers and patients in Maine are still not familiar with Maine's Death with Dignity Act. In effect since September 2019, the law permits physicians to practice medical aid-in-dying under specific circumstances. Join this class to get fact-based information and all the details you need to know about Maine's law, how to have the conversation with your physician, and how to qualify for the law or support your loved one who may qualify.

Val Lovelace founded the 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization Maine Death with Dignity and also serves as its executive director. She spearheaded a grassroots campaign from 2014 to 2019 to pass Maine's aid-in-dying statute, the Maine Death with Dignity Act, which decriminalized medical aid in dying. She is committed to providing fact-based information regarding medical aid in dying in the United States to patients and their families, healthcare providers, clergy, policymakers, funeral directors, and emergency response personnel.

Fee: Free but pre-registration is required

Original source: https://get.pxhere.com/photo/plant-leaf-flower-orange-museum-insect-botany-butterfly-pink-flora-fauna-invertebrate-seattle-science-nectar-macro-photography-pollinator-moths-and-butterflies-1359065.jpg

This course shows you how to take beautiful photos of flowers, plants, and wildlife. Four easy-to-follow videos demonstrate and give examples of each of the topics which include: Using focus, exposure and HDR features to capture the beauty of your surroundings; ways to avoid blurry images; tips for composing your images; and editing options that turn so-so images into stunning images. In addition to the instructional videos, we have several articles with useful information to build your repertoire of photographic strategies. This course is made for you if you want to learn to use your camera or significantly upgrade your skills and abilities.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Cyr Bus Line 2025 Tours

with Cyr Bus Line

Price not available More Info

Are you looking for a fun adventure? 

Did you know Cyr Bus Line offers many day and overnight tours with pick up locations in Lewiston and South Portland?

We have partnered with Cyr to reserve seats on their upcoming 2025 tours.  For a complete list of tours, visit their website to learn more and register: https://johntcyrandsons.com/2025-tour-information/

Don’t forget to mention you heard about these adventures through Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education!

** Tours are not free.  Click the link above to learn about registration deadlines and cost.  **

Class has begun