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Sales Agent Class

with CRES Maine

$370 More Info

This is an entirely online class that we truly believe is expansive, offering people a good amount of information about how buying and selling real estate works in the United States, along with information about working in the field of real estate. The prerequisite for taking this course is simply to have a high school education. Once completed this would allow the learner to become licensed as a real estate agent, if they wish. 

A PDF copy of the course book is included in the cost.  If you would like to purchase a hardcover book ($25 plus tax) please let us know at registration.

Instructor: Center for Real Estate Studies (CRESMaine)

Enrollment: On-going

Location: Online


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Most of us take hundreds of photos that languish on our iPhone/iPad or in the cloud. Knowing how to edit images and organize your photos on your iPhone and iPad is essential. Other areas of study include using the tabs in the Photos app —“For You" tab (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and the very useful search function.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Many people have 1000 or more images stored in their Mac desktop/laptop Photos App. Frustration sets in when one tries to locate a picture or a video among the multitude of saved images. Understanding the built-in organization of the Mac Photos app is the first thing you will learn in this course. Next comes organizing your images and video into albums and folders in order to develop your own management system. Plus, you will also learn how to tag people in photos and create shared albums that you can invite friends and family to view.

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The vast majority of iPhone users rarely access all of the available iPhone features. In this course, learn to use your iPhone to the best possible advantage. Some critical features covered include Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; how to use the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; and more. An additional session includes iOS updates and the unique features of the newest iPhones.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Your iPad is the gateway to the world when you open the Safari app. Safari, Apple’s browser, is superb because it provides a variety of cool features. The iPad app has some differences from the iPhone version. Learn what the icons on the top menu do, explore all of the choices on Safari’s opening page, review efficient search strategies, look at the hidden possibilities within the share feature, learn the advantages of Reader View, and more. After completing the five lessons you will be a confident user of Safari on your iPad.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Over exposed image? No problem—adjust the exposure in editing mode. Wishyour photo could be black and white instead of color? Choose a filter andchange the ambiance of your image. Does the main object of your picture seemlost among extraneous details? Use the cropping feature to focus your viewer’s

eye on the most important part of the image. These examples are just a few ofthe many ways you can turn an average image into something special. Have funediting your pictures with the many options in your Mac’s Photos app.

Class has begun