Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Doing basic internet searches on Safari is fairly straight forward. However, within Safari there are many options most of us never explore. Join us for five lessons that will unlock the secrets of Safari: options contained in the top menu, choices provided on the opening screen, tips for more efficient searching, possibilities hidden within the share feature, and a demo of why you want to click on the AA button. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and out of Safari.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

This course is designed for those who want to develop an online course using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. This guide consists of step-by-step videos that explain and demonstrate how to use Zoom as well as appropriate instructional tips to build an engaging online course in any subject. You will learn everything you need to know about Zoom—tools, settings, security, instructional strategies, building community, Zoom tips for instructors and students, and much more.

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In this course you will learn everything you need to know to make your Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac Operating System, features of the Mac, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer.

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In our basic course on“hidden gems,” we explored: tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner among other cool features. In this level 2 course, we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You’ll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and/or iPad at the conclusion of this course.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

You are on the go with your iPhone in hand and want to do a quick search on the internet. Safari, Apple’s browser, is the place to start because it provides a variety of cool features. The iPhone app has some differences from the iPad version. We will explore all of the choices on Safari’s opening page, review efficient search strategies, look at the hidden possibilities within the share feature, come to see the advantages of Reader View, and more. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and outs of Safari on your iPhone.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Sales Agent Class

with CRES Maine

$370 More Info

This is an entirely online class that we truly believe is expansive, offering people a good amount of information about how buying and selling real estate works in the United States, along with information about working in the field of real estate. The prerequisite for taking this course is simply to have a high school education. Once completed this would allow the learner to become licensed as a real estate agent, if they wish. 

A PDF copy of the course book is included in the cost.  If you would like to purchase a hardcover book ($25 plus tax) please let us know at registration.

Instructor: Center for Real Estate Studies (CRESMaine)

Enrollment: On-going

Location: Online


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