Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Explore - Grow - Achieve


Preparing learners for academic, career, and personal success in a supportive, individualized environment.



Office Hours:

Monday – Wednesday: 9am to 7pm

Thursday: 9am to 2pm

Friday: By Appointment

Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education Celebrates a Year of Success

As we embrace the new year, Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education has even more to celebrate! This year, we were proud to be recognized
as one of only eight programs in the state that met or exceeded all four state and federal performance targets. This achievement is a direct
reflection of the hard work and dedication of our staff, as well as the perseverance of our learners. We are incredibly proud of the success
across all our programs, and we would be thrilled to count you among the learners we celebrate this year!

In addition to our College and Career Access, High School Completion, and Healthcare Training programs, we introduced a Multilingual
Learner Program this fall. Offered on Monday and Wednesday mornings, this program has already seen great success. If you know of any
learners who would benefit from joining, we’d love to hear from you!

We are also excited to announce that we received a Digital Equity Stipend from the Greater Portland Council of Governments. This generous
funding will enable us to offer more free computer instruction—keep an eye out for those classes, which will be launching soon!

As we look toward the new year, please remember that we are here to help you achieve your academic, career, and personal goals. Whether it’s through a class you’d like to take, a new hobby you want to share with the community, or simply stopping by to say hello—we would love to hear from you.

Wishing you all the best in 2025!

Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education Staff

  • Mar
    Original source:

    Strength and Balance for Senior Fitness

    Reaching balanced wellness by working on strengthening and stretching the muscles, preventing falls, improving cardiovascular and bone density health. This class is progressive and increases your overall well-being throughout the 6 week session. Standing and floor work! This dynamic, full-bodied exercise program supports  muscle growth and increases stamina! Prepare to be getting on and off […]

  • Mar
    Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

    Gentle Fitness for Health

    This class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility and fall prevention.  All exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis and other health concerns if they are cleared by their primary care provider. * No class 2/17 & 5/26 *

  • Mar
    Original source:

    Maine College and Career Access: College Success

    This course will focus on the essential skills of a successful college student which will include study skills, time management, decision-making strategies, financial literacy, career pathways exploration, and building the writing skills necessary for academic readiness. This free course is offered through Cumberland County Adult Education. This class fulfills a required college graduation credit at […]

  • Mar
    Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

    Tai Yoga

    A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body! ** No class 2/18 **

  • Mar
    Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

    iPhone Basics

    This course covers the basics of how to use Apple’s popular iPhone. This class starts with the basics of how to log on using multiple methods from passcode to touch id to face recognition technology. Apple’s iCloud service will be discussed, including how it will help secure your data and allow your data to be […]

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