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Introduction to Google Drive & Google Docs

with NDEC Instructor


Next session: April 1st to 15th, 2025

Price not available More Info

Two of the great benefits to your Google account are Google Drive and Google Docs. Google Drive is free cloud storage and Google Docs is Google's free alternative to MS Word. In this class you will learn how to store and manage your files online as well as use the Google Docs platform where you can create stunning documents.

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The National Digital Equity Center, a 501c3 non-profit, is a nationally recognized organization with a mission to close the digital divide across the United States. The National Digital Equity Center has been, and will continue to be, a thought leader on digital equity and digital inclusion.The National Digital Equity Center provides Digital Literacy classes that provide opportunities for professional growth, personal enrichment, the development of computer skills, and preparation for professional careers in a supportive environment. Customized training and consulting solutions are offered to businesses and industries, as well as community residents. Online classes are held in a live interactive form using a videoconference platform; in-person classes are at community locations in collaboration with partner organizations.  We provide all instruction in a small group interactive learning setting, whether it is online or in-person.

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A versatile device, your iPad allows you tocommunicate in a variety of modes; record youradventures with both still photos and video; tap intoyour creativity through photography, drawing andediting tools; and keep abreast of local, national, andinternational events and issues.

Eleven videos introduce you to various features ofyour iPad. Each video demonstrates how to accessthe basic processes of each feature or app.Once you feel confident navigating and operatingyour iPad’s multitude of features, you will never bebored or at loose ends. iPads offer a myriad of waysto access friends, family, and the wider world. Have a great time!

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This course shows you how to take beautiful photos of flowers, plants, and wildlife. Four easy-to-follow videos demonstrate and give examples of each of the topics which include: Using focus, exposure and HDR features to capture the beauty of your surroundings; ways to avoid blurry images; tips for composing your images; and editing options that turn so-so images into stunning images. In addition to the instructional videos, we have several articles with useful information to build your repertoire of photographic strategies. This course is made for you if you want to learn to use your camera or significantly upgrade your skills and abilities.

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