Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/technology-791410_1280.jpg

In this course you will learn everything you need to know to make your Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac Operating System, features of the Mac, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/imac-793042_1280.jpg

In our basic course on“hidden gems,” we explored: tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner among other cool features. In this level 2 course, we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You’ll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and/or iPad at the conclusion of this course.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

You are on the go with your iPhone in hand and want to do a quick search on the internet. Safari, Apple’s browser, is the place to start because it provides a variety of cool features. The iPhone app has some differences from the iPad version. We will explore all of the choices on Safari’s opening page, review efficient search strategies, look at the hidden possibilities within the share feature, come to see the advantages of Reader View, and more. After completing the five lessons you will truly know the ins and outs of Safari on your iPhone.

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Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/imac-793042_1280.jpg

Did you know...your iPhone tracks your movements? The keyboard has hidden keys? You can write and draw on your photographs? You can calculate in your search window? Our iPhones/iPads have many time-saving features that allow you to be creative, efficient, and have fun. These “hidden gems” will show you how to learn advanced features of your iPhone and iPad.

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Image uploaded by Gray-New Gloucester Adult Education

Many people have 1000 or more images stored in their Mac desktop/laptop Photos App. Frustration sets in when one tries to locate a picture or a video among the multitude of saved images. Understanding the built-in organization of the Mac Photos app is the first thing you will learn in this course. Next comes organizing your images and video into albums and folders in order to develop your own management system. Plus, you will also learn how to tag people in photos and create shared albums that you can invite friends and family to view.

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Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/4dad1f9f44a011ebbbc112db6ff3c759

Most of us take hundreds of photos that languish on our iPhone/iPad or in the cloud. Knowing how to edit images and organize your photos on your iPhone and iPad is essential. Other areas of study include using the tabs in the Photos app —“For You" tab (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and the very useful search function.

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